Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Message

Am I crazy for thinking that the Volcano eruption was pretty? I got some photos off of this site:

I love looking at lighting. It’s so beautiful, yet deadly. Sometimes where I live, we have the most beautiful lighting storms. It also acts like a message to me of Allah (SWT) wrath, and that I should never take anything lightly or for granted.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Love Obsession

I think I’m obsessed.

It’s not a particular person, well not this time, but rather with the very idea of Love. I want to understand it. I want to know how it happens, is there some type of sign or symptoms that you have? How do you know when you’re in love? What is love anyway? And if you’ve been in love more than once…which time was real. Is love even real?

The one thing I do know is that saying that you love someone means nothing, if they don’t feel the same way about you. And even then, what can you do with that persons love…you can’t eat it, or spend it. It does not change anything just because someone says ‘I love you’.

Biologically when a woman is fertile her body gives off all types of hormones and smells to attract a potential mate. This attraction will be stronger to the males that have the strongest immune system, and how can a women tell if a guy has a strong immune system? She can smell it in his sweat. Some also say the full moon is also to blame for people acting foolish and falling in love. Either way, people are more likely to fall in love in these periods of time. And I ask again…is any of it real?

I did realise that sometimes, falling in love has its uses. Personally, I’m against that whole notion of falling in love, because for me falling indicates that you will get hurt and I have to agree with Oprah, I don’t believe that love should hurt. But falling in love, allows people to act foolish, stupid even; saying things, doing things, and looking at people that they would not normally take an interest in. This is to create more genetic variation in their gene pool i.e. so that you can marry someone and have children outside of the people your normally use to and know. Maybe this is Gods way of making us get married to the people we are ‘meant’ to be with. And the outcome of which is really up to us. What we do with the opportunity we were given.

I’d like to hear your thoughts on the matter. I would love to know if girls actually do romantic stuff for guys? And in this world where chivalry is not required, is there guys who still do romantic stuff.

I just wanna know…for interest sake.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Blog Meets

Recently I’ve been invited to two blog meets.

As I have said before, people are multi-dimensional. And we only expose one side of ourselves in certain situations. The blog is like any online thing…it is only one dimensional. To assume you know who someone is just by reading their blogs is a bit ridiculous. While I do have some bloggers on my facebook, and I have met him and her, face to face, I would like to keep my three worlds separate. They didn’t know I was a ‘blogger’ until after I met them, which I felt a little better about.

Basically what I’m saying is that I will never attend a blog meet. Maybe not never…but definitely not now. I would agree to meet bloggers, (if they initiate) one on one…but that is it. I would not be able to look at everyone in the eyes and know that they read the crap I write, while we down barbecue wings. It’s just not going to happen.

So while some people use this as a means of creating a social network…which is cool. I use it, as a way to vent. I really do wish Mash has an awesome time here, and I wish he had more time, but sorry dude…maybe next time!

Enjoy your stay…and eat a lot before you leave k?

Monday, April 12, 2010

What I wanted to be...

Ever since I can remember, I always associated adventure, mystery and excitement with two iconic figures. The first was Nancy Drew. I loved reading the books and I think to a large extent it encouraged my analytical thinking

The second was Lois Lane. Man, I wanted to be her! When I started university I actually wanted to become a journalist. You know…find the scoop…expose the truth and all the other excitement that went with it. I think to a certain extent the eager, hard hitting journalist who uncovers the truth has been one of those perceptions that have changed the world forever.

When you think of Lois Lane, what is the first thing you think of? Besides her being in love with superman. My thought is someone who stood for justice, honour and righteousness. Not someone who sensationalized stories so that the Daily Planet can draw more advertisers, so they can pull more readers! And why do they do this…to make more money. That is essentially what the media has come to.

When I watch CNN, I laugh, because even the way they speak is so dramatized! Like they are so passionate about what they are saying that it has to be true! Which is not the case. To a large extent, I see journalists as quite ego centric, because they only really chase stories that will give the most shock value to their viewers. They are paid to stand there and say things or write things that their bosses approve of. It is not there journalistic integrity for the truth that drives them these days, but their desire for status, power and the money their book deal will bring them one day. Some might say so what if they want to make money…does that mean that the news needs to be entertaining?

I worked at a radio station at University and as a result made friends with a lot of journalists that are working for some of the main radio news stations currently. I love my friends to bits, but I have to say that I hate journalism. It is the most pretentious industry on the planet. They hide behind the idea of exposing the truth in order to right the wrongs, but in actual fact all they really want to do is make money. Which is fine if everyone knows that is what your main goal is. Because there are people who do not question the media’s motives, and take what they say as gospel. But this gospel is highly biased.

The result of highly sensationalized news can be seen in many cases. In South Africa this whole Malema and AWB thing is a classic example of how the media has blown things out of proportion. (They are both idiots and have now turned a small bad situation bigger and even worse!) A situation, that the western media has also blown completely out of proportion, despite what you might think…people are not attacking each other based on race.

The line between sensationalism and 'truth' is completely blurred in the media today.

Journalists have to take a page out of the Anthropologists field journal and re-learn how to tell the story, without becoming sleazy. I don’t think it will ever happen but in the mean time…don’t believe everything you read or see in the news.

P.S. In the last Superman movie…Lois has Superman’s son, but is engaged to someone else…does anyone know when the hell is she going to realise that Superman is Clark? She can break every story on the planet but the most important one that is sitting right in front of her she can see? Stupid woman!